One final goodbye for this group of students as we send them home by car, train, and plane. Safe travels and we hope to see you again soon! #lestapies #goodbye #safetravels #untilnexttime #poolparty
The Drawing and Painting students presented their visual and written portraits of their partners as the culmination of our two week program. Each piece was incredibly unique and moving - they put their whole hearts into the project! It’s so hard to say goodbye, but we were so lucky to have these students at Les Tapies for the last two weeks! #portrait #writtenportrait #summerartprogram #lestapies #partnerartproject #goodbye
Adventure day! People were going all different directions today. Some took a break to go zip lining, hiking or exploring a river, and others traveled to a gorgeous viewpoint on the Massif Central to capture the landscape in watercolor and conte chalk. #lestapies #adventure #sundayfunday #excursion #zipline #summerartprogram
We love any excuse to eat chocolate, so thank you to Leah for sharing her birthday with us today! We had a chocolate tasting, and the student who guessed each type correctly won a whole chocolate bar of their favorite flavor (good job Olli!). And best of all, we serenaded Leah with Happy Birthday in four different languages!
Beating the heat in the shade of the chestnut grove - plein air painting at its best! #lestapies #pleinair #chestnuttrees #acrylicpainting #summerartprogram #artadventure #hiking
Check out the Drawing & Painting majors’ drawings from the chestnut tree grove - each one astonishing and technically masterful in its own way! #lestapies #sketching #chestnuttree #enpleinair #summerartprogram #ardechefrance
We like to start things off here by jumping into the deep end! The Drawing & Painting students spent their first two sessions observing and sketching the skeleton, and then interpreted complex still life compositions with acrylic paints or conte chalk #lestapies #summerartprogram #skeleton #sketching #stilllifepainting #stilllife #directobservation
The students experienced their majors for the first time yesterday—Architecture or Drawing & Painting. They’re jumping in head first today with site plans and still life drawing today. Wish them luck! #lestapies #summerartprogram #southoffrance #architecture #visualarts #siteplans #stilllife #introduction #firstday
Meet our new group of students for the two week final summer session! We are already into our second day exploring the land around us both visually and in our sketchbooks, including our favorite feature across the valley—Lone Tree #summerartprogram #lonetree #lestapies #hiking #sketching #exploring #pleinair